End Of Watch(2012) free movie Download with high quality print. End of Watch (2012) movie free with high downloading speed. Full movie download End of Watch (2012).
End Of Watch(2012) Synopsis:

Young Los Angeles police officers Taylor and Zavala patrol the city's meanest streets of south central Los Angeles.The action unfolds through footage from the handheld HD cameras of the police officers, gang members, surveillance cameras, and citizens caught in the line of fire to create a portrait of the city's most dangerous corners, the cops who risk their lives there every day, and the price they and their families are forced to pay.
End Of Watch(2012) MOVIE DETAILS:
Two young officers are marked for death after confiscating a small cache of money and firearms from the members of a notorious cartel, during a routine traffic stop.
Director: David Ayer
Writer: David Ayer
Stars: Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Peña and Anna Kendrick,
| See full cast and crew
EnglishRelease Date:
(USA)Also Known As:
Žmurenje na jedno okoFilming Locations:
Los Angeles, California, USA
Gritty, real and lots of action. The director/writer, Ayer, grew up on the streets of El Lay and it shows. Jake Gyllenhal and Michael Pena are just electric as partners in a black and white, and the performance by Cle Shaheed Sloan as the street hood with a sense of honor named Tre is awesome. The dialog is so good, that half the time you think this is an episode of Cops without any beeps.
Ayer uses various camera techniques brilliantly to tell the story. I usually do not like a lot of hand-held (it sometimes makes me dizzy), but he uses it very well here and I suffered no side effects.
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